
These personas are fictional, but help in showing my products intended users. This will allow me to put some faces to the audience, I have decided to use both students for my personas, but from different stages in education.

Persona 2 PersonaPersonas are a good starting point for me and my work because it helps me to focus more on who my target audience are.  It would be beneficial for me to get more feedback from real people so I can see the advantages and disadvantages of my product.


TED TALK : The Birth of Virtual Reality as an Art Form

Chris Milk uses innovative technologies to make personal, interactive, human stories. VR is the last medium for storytelling, he says, because it closes the gap between audience and storyteller. To illustrate, he brought the TED audience together in the world’s largest collective VR experience. You can take part with the audience by  getting a Google Cardboard and downloading the experience at

I found this talk really interesting for my project because it shows how VR can show not only simulations but is also a unique path into the emotions, senses and body. It implies you can connect with a user more intimately with Virtual Reality over another medium, and so making it easier to empathise with the users.

Chris says that VR can make anyone feel local, and unlike film you have to guide the users attention using sound.

One of the most interesting pieces of Milk’s was “Clouds over Sidra”. This is a documentary style VR experience based in a refugee camp. This gives us a look into the daily life of a schoolchild, which is along the lines of what I wanted to do but with someone with visual impairment. Milk says that “VR can make anywhere feel local”, and in this film you can see how this is possible. By taking the view of a 12 year old girl you really emphasise and feel for her and what she is going through.

You can watch using the link below:

Name Ideas

I have been brainstorming over the past week on what name my product should have. So far I have been looking at names to do with VR and then Vision. I decided to include both of these elements in the name of the product after looking at the competitor “Vivid Vision”.

I first brainstormed some of the different words and names that I wanted to use.

Some of the Original Ideas for the Product Name

In the end I decided I wanted to include names such as Optical or Ocular, but I was still unsure. I liked either the name Optical Experiences or Optical Simulation as it explains the product clearly before you see it. By using a name with an “O” I can use an eye shape in the logo. I will run a poll to see what name people prefer and come up with a variety of logos.

Visual Impairments : Short Sightedness

Short-sightedness, or myopia, is a very common eye condition that causes distant objects to appear blurred, while close objects can be seen clearly.

It’s thought to affect up to one in three people in the UK and is becoming more common. Short-sightedness can range from mild, where treatment may not be required, to severe, where a person’s vision is significantly affected.

The condition usually starts around puberty and gets gradually worse until the eye is fully grown, but it can also develop in very young children.

Signs that your child may be short-sighted can include:

  • needing to sit near the front of the class at school because they find it difficult to read the whiteboard
  • sitting close to the TV
  • complaining of headaches or tired eyes
  • regularly rubbing their eyes


Getting your eyes tested

If you think you or your child may be short-sighted, you should book an eye test at a local opticians.

An eye test can confirm whether you’re short or long-sighted, and you can be given a prescription for glasses or contact lenses to correct your vision.

What causes short-sightedness?

Short-sightedness usually occurs when the eyes grow slightly too long.

This means that light doesn’t focus on the light-sensitive tissue (retina) at the back of the eye properly. Instead, the light rays focus just in front of the retina, resulting in distant objects appearing blurred.

It’s not clear exactly why this happens, but it often runs in families and has been linked to focusing on nearby objects, such as books and computers, for long periods during childhood.

Ensuring your child regularly spends time playing outside may help to reduce their risk of becoming short-sighted.

Normal Vision compared to Short-Sighted Vision.

Treatments for short-sightedness

Short-sightedness can usually be corrected effectively with a number of treatments.

The main treatments are:

  • corrective lenses – such as glasses or contact lenses to help the eyes focus on distant objects
  • laser eye surgery to alter the shape of the eye – this isn’t usually available on the NHS and shouldn’t be carried out on children, whose eyes are still developing
  • artificial lens implants – where a man-made lens is permanently inserted into the eyes to help them focus correctly; these are also not usually available on the NHS

Associated eye conditions

Some adults with severe short-sightedness and young children with untreated short-sightedness are more likely to develop other eye problems.

These can include:

  • a squint– a common childhood condition where the eyes point in different directions
  • a lazy eye –  a childhood condition where the vision in one eye doesn’t develop properly
  • glaucoma– increased pressure inside the eyes
  • cataracts – where cloudy patches develop inside the lens of the eye
  • retinal detatchment – where the retina pulls away from the blood vessels that supply it with oxygen and nutrients


Although it is a visual impairment, many people are familiar with short sightedness, more so when compared to other impairments such as Lazy Eye or Cataracts that have a more physical aspect to them as they show signs of impairment in the actual eye, whereas short sightedness does not. I will include information on short sightedness however will not be focussing on it completely as it is a very common condition that the majority of people already know about.